Planning in uncertain times
How’s your year been? A year of big growth? A year of twists and turns? If there’s one thing that’s for certain, it’s that 2020 promises to keep us all on our toes. With a general election yet to happen, and Brexit edging ever closer, it’s an uncertain time. And while it can be really tempting to lower yourself below the parapet and wait for it all to blow over, that’s rarely a realistic or sensible option.
I don’t know about you, but when change beyond our control is afoot, we choose to tighten our hold of the things we can control. Yes, 2020 will be challenging - I don’t doubt that. But I’m fairly certain we can not only survive the new year, but thrive.
The first thing is to find focus
Now’s the time to focus on one thing and do it really, really well. A confused offering will serve to unseat your clients, making them less likely to buy from you. Find your most profitable service - or better still, the strand of your business that you can really make your own - and hone it. Primp it, perfect it, and focus on executing it to the absolute best of your ability
Check in on your marketing message
What message are you putting out there? Look at this objectively; too often we see what we want to see when we review our own marketing, as our message is second nature to us. Of course you know what you do, but does everyone else? Is it really clear what your business specialises in? The Christmas period is a good time to review your key marketing pieces (website, social media, digital welcome packs, printed collateral) and make sure your message is as sharp as it can possibly be.
Don’t miss an opportunity
Review your sales process. Are there any points in the journey which could be strengthened to increase your clients’ likelihood to buy from you again, or to buy more from you? Once you’ve done the hard work of attracting new business, it’s madness to let them slip through your fingers or go elsewhere for a service you offer. Make sure they know exactly how you can help them, or what else you sell.
Cultivate your community
We are stronger together. How can you create opportunities for more referrals, or to learn from each other? Could you start your own informal networking group? Or perhaps contact those you know could complement your offering, to see how you might be able to work together? We are all in the same boat of wanting to sustain and grow our businesses - the more we support each other, the more everyone benefits.
Time to ditch that which doesn’t work…
Have you found yourself in the rut of advertising in that same magazine every single month - even though you’ve not won a single bit of business from it? A thorough audit of your current marketing activity will more than likely throw up things that simply don’t serve your business. Axe them, and move on
…and broaden your horizons
If you’ve been toying with the idea of attending a new networking group/exhibiting at that event/putting yourself forward to write a column for a magazine, now’s the time to go for it! Adversity (or even the fear of it!) always presents opportunity.
What about you? What have you got planned to make sure next year goes your way?